For Rowan

For Rowan is fashion hub that delivers latest style statement through amazing designs that enhances your fashion statement. Cool, trendy as well as unique designs from the store of For Rowan give you jaw dropping experience. Be stylish and confident by switching to For Rowan fashion.

  • AgencyClovecode
  • RoleDesigning and Development
  • Year2019

Tools we used

  • shoify
  • JavaScript
  • html
  • photoshop
  • Adobe Illustrator

Drawbacks in website

Although the quality and standard of the fashion hub is unsurpassed, still sale remains declined. As we analyse entire website there were some issues highlighted. The prime most cause is poor and non-communicative online presence of the products and service on the website. No maintenance and updates in the website. Client wanted to increase the sale for the profit perspective

What we did

We delivered web based solution to the website to enhance the sale by engaging the visitors to your site. Our expert team of web designers and web developers generate a lead by creating presentable and attractive effect on the website. We made the website highly accessible to the target audience through powerful social media engagement.

clovecode, image, rowan,
clovecode, rowan,

What we retrieved

By creating an ecommerce solution store for For Rowan, there is elevation in sale, increased visit of the customer through customized solution. We have delivered a step wise step solution in determining the shopping needs to customers. We have organised the entire website in perfect way to enhance the customer’s experience.

Thanks for checking us out

What's next

That Koa Life

KOA LIFE owes its inception to the dynamic entrepreneurial duo, Kymber and Alexis McClay, known in the industry as the Naven Twins. Their journey began with a shared struggle against adult acne and psoriasis, conditions that not only caused physical discomfort but also eroded their self-confidence. Determined to find a natural remedy that truly delivered results, Kymber and Alexis embarked on a path toward green, chemical-free skincare. Collaborating closely with medical professionals and research labs for over a year, they meticulously crafted nutrient-dense, all-natural formulas that not only healed their skin but laid the foundation for KOA LIFE.